Thursday, August 24, 2006

Their Fire Has Gone Out of the Universe. (part 2)

I admit, there are times I am vexed by the behavior of my own people.

Yes, ‘vexed’ is a good word.

As a whole, are Christians what they should be? What they are supposed to be? What do you think of when you think of the term? Kindness, resolution, will, courage, compassion, peace? Well, if you aren’t a Christian odds are you think one of two things: ‘naïve goody-two-shoes’ or ‘hypocritical zealot’. If you are a Christian, you probably think ‘people like me’.

Are any of those things wrong?

We have a negative image in today’s media. We are slaves to our society and to its rules. Why? We bicker and squabble about interpretation and denomination instead of helping people. We let the big things in our world go, like liberating the oppressed or taking care of others, so we can have more time to argue about whether or not women should be preachers or Christians should have tattoos or listen to “non-Christian” music. The mote in your brother’s eye, as it was. It’s bullshit.

See? Just now, honestly, what ran through your mind? Was it “Christians shouldn’t cuss” or “maybe that’s true”?

How often do we blindly adhere to a set of moral guidelines and reject they that don’t (by our standards) and dismiss (consciously or otherwise) what they have to say because it appears to contradict what we’re told? Have you ever read a Buddhist text without the intent of trying to point out the “non-Christian” elements? Sat and talked with someone of the Muslim faith without the intent of changing what they think? What is the difference between Buddhist thinking and Christian thinking when it comes to morality?

How many Christians do you think would follow Christ if he came today and not thousands of years ago?

How many would still be Christians if there was no promise of Heaven, if the only “reward” was the knowledge that you were doing what was right?

I have no pretense about what I am. I’m not some ‘chosen one’ or ‘superhero’. I’m far from a ‘white knight’. I’m not sitting atop my self-righteous Olympus, casting down bolts of judgment. But if you count yourself a Christian, can you really tell me that you’re ok with how things are?


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